Saturday, 4 June 2011

Health & Fitness

I’m Really Overweight-Help Me Lose Weight

I need to lose weight, help me lose weight.I remember being overweight, and desperate to find a solution to help me lose weight. After a few failed attempts, I finally dropped the weight and I’ve managed to keep it off for years. So how did I do it? Since that darned magic pill didn’t work, I had to lose the weight the old fashioned way. I committed myself to the cause, ate healthy and got off my hump and exercised. If I can do it, so can you.

Whip Your Eating Habits into Shape

We live in a nation of processed foods. The result of this is a skyrocketing population of fluffy adults and children. When you’re overweight, you are at risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other illnesses that can reduce your quality of life and send you to an early grave.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it ten thousand times: processed foods are no good. Do yourself a favor and boot these items out of your diet. Replace them with healthier, natural foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, lean meats, poultry, beans, legumes, seeds and raw nuts.
Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can change your poor eating habits overnight. Keep in mind, bad eating habits are easy to develop, but they’re not as easy to change. It helps if you start small by making gradual tweaks to your diet.
For instance, you might make it a point to trade in your morning doughnut for a bowl of oatmeal, a piece of nitrate/nitrite free bacon and some fresh fruit. If you eat out everyday, scale back, and commit to preparing healthy, low-cal meals at home at least twice a week.
On the days you eat out, replace a few unhealthy foods with healthier menu choices. For instance, instead of ordering a bag of chips or a side of fries with you sandwich, opt for a small salad. Continue to make small dietary changes every couple of weeks until your poor eating habits are a thing of the past.

Get Up and Get Moving

When you’re trying to whittle your waistline, it’s all about the burn, baby. Once you remove all of the processed junk from your diet, you’ll automatically reduce your caloric intake and lose weight. However, if you don’t do something to set that metabolism on fire, it will slow down and you won’t see any additional weight loss results.
You don’t have to take the “whole hog” approach to exercising to see results. The most important thing is that you do something to get your body moving. Jump up and down for 10 minutes or take a stroll around the block – if it’s more physical activity than you normally get, you’re good.
Of course, as your fitness level improves, you’ll have to add to your exercise routine to keep those weight loss results coming.

Get Committed to Your Healthy Eating Plan

When we talk about losing weight, we always tackle the nutrition and exercise side of things. Let’s talk for a bit about the commitment dropping weight requires. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard work; it requires some serious lifestyle changes.
There are going to be times when you feel discouraged and disappointed, and days when you experience setbacks. If you’re committed – and I mean really committed, you’ll be able to pull yourself up, dust the cake crumbs off, and press on. If you’re not ready to dig your heels in and put in the work, you’ll be disheartened by the results.
Losing weight with proper nutrition and exercise can make you feel healthier and produce lasting results. Watch this video to learn how The Diet Solution Program can help you lose the fat and keep it off for good. If this program could help me lose weight, you can do it, too!

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A Guide to Management Training

 The following guide explains everything you need to know about Management Training and the associated benefits to both employers and employees

What is Management Training?

Management training is a series of measures which organisations can undertake in order to get the very best out of their staff. In the current financial climate, management training is nothing short of a necessity, enabling businesses to improve levels of productivity and efficiency, and ensure that managers are able to deal effectively with the workloads expected of them.

Training courses for managers are designed to help managers to deal with the increasing number of challenges they are likely to face during the supervision of people, projects and systems.  Modern technology means that staff and management are contactable at all times, and in all locations, and being able to control staff and trust them to work effectively unsupervised is important.

How is Management Training conducted?

Training courses for managers take many forms. For example, some training courses may feature a classroom model, with training and presentations in an academic setting. Other training courses may be more practical, with candidates being invited to take part in role playing in order to act out potential scenarios.

Manager training may be available to you in form of in house workshops conducted by training companies, or alternatively, you may benefit from weekly/monthly training sessions conducted within your company itself.

What are the benefits of Management Training?

Those participating in this type of training will learn a number of useful people and business skills and attributes.  Manager training will convert those who are just managers to dynamic and result-orientated individuals, with excellent inter-personal communication skills and the ability to motivate and engage in successful team building exercises. New managers, and those who have been promoted to the role of manager are also likely to get a lot out one of these training courses.

What else can one learn through Management Training?

Any good training course aimed at managers helps managers to develop effective time management, problem solving, collaboration and change management skills. Other benefits include expert handling of complaints and queries, planning, delegation, mentoring individuals or teams and other business coaching skills.

Today's manager needs to be aware of emotional intelligence, as well as various core issues which are required to develop relationships on a personal level.

It is essential for a manager not just to manage effectively, but also to lead by example and inspire those around them.

Why not see how a Management Training course could benefit you and your staff today?

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 Click Here To Get  Management Training : By The Book

 Secrets To Performing Magic Tricks For Beginners

Many common magic tricks are easy to learn and only require common items such as matchboxes, cloths and coins to perform successfully. The most common tricks are playing card and coin tricks which are both a good way to practice technical and audience distraction skills.
Card tricks are one of the oldest forms of conjuring and perhaps the best introduction to learning magic tricks and performance for beginners. Whilst you can buy special card kits and find free magic tricks online, you should start out with a normal deck of playing cards and learn specific card magic techniques that don't rely on props.
Start small and practice, practice, practice
Some magic tricks can be complicated and take months to perfect the illusion of reality. As a beginner or novice it's important to start small with more simple tricks that require far less practice and patience. You'll get results faster, gain confidence and experience the rush and delight of being a magician for the first time.
The most basic magic tricks can still be impressive without requiring expert skills but it's important to practice as often as possible. The legendary Harry Houdini started by picking locks. He practiced so much that he could pick any lock with his hands tied or eyes blindfolded.
You can use simple household objects such as cloths, cups and bags as your props until you get the hang of each trick, then maybe you will want to buy more specialized equipment to amaze and amuse your friends and family all the more. In the meantime, it's important to gain confidence in your magic tricks and abilities before performing in front of friends, family or any audience as your ability to perform and direct a crowd is as vital to your success as your speed with a deck of cards.
The art of distraction and misdirection
The most exciting aspect of any magic trick is it's effect on a live audience. Whether you perform a magic show in front of a few friends and family or a crowd of hundreds, the buzz of hearing gasps of wonder and applause will keep you hooked for life.
Once you've mastered the basics and gained confidence in your technical abilities, you'll need to start thinking about your audience and how to use distraction and misdirection to take your magic skills to the next level. Many of the greatest magic shows and tricks use a combination of misdirection and theatrical performance to control the audience while the magician performs his secret moves.
You'll also need to develop your own style of performing magic tricks, not only to make your magic more entertaining, but as an additional prop that's just as important to your success as your box of tricks. Developing dexterity or slight of hand and practicing eye contact skills with your subjects are both essential skills of any proficient performer of magic.
Top 5 tips for learning magic tricks
  1. Start simple - begin with tricks that don't require any props such as card tricks or coin tricks. Choose one trick and stick to it until you are proficient before learning another.
  2. Practice - practice magic tricks until you are completely confident that you can make it work every time. Only then begin to perform it in front of others.
  3. Confidence - Practice will give you confidence which is essential to convince your audience that not only is your magic trick magical but you are as well.
  4. Attention and distraction - learn to hold the attention of your audience and control it with eye contact, humor and well practiced movements.
  5. Performance and style - the best magicians are memorable not only because of their tricks, but because of the way they perform them. Give a thought to your appearance, your voice, your humor, your props and your location when performing a magic show.
Once you master these techniques, your magic tricks should leave the audience entertained and more importantly, mystified wanting to know more.

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 To learn more simple magic trick tips  clik this link  >>  Learn Easy Magic


 Fashion Photography, Starting Out

Fashion photography offers you the opportunity to live an exciting lifestyle, while traveling all over the world. Fashion photography can be found in magazines, on the internet, on the television and other forms of media. The marketing industry is now packed with fashion models selling a number of concepts and products by various companies, and all these photographs have been taken by a fashion photographer. The glamour and the glitz aside, the world of fashion photography consists of very long preparation hours, and you also need to possess certain skills in order to be successful.

To those new fashion photographers, the industry may seem like the perfect place to begin all the exciting adventures that will take you all over the world. However, the fashion photography industry doesn't only consist of meeting beautiful models and famous people, or just taking pictures. You should know that for every successful and famous fashion photographers, there are many more that spend a number of years waiting to have their first big photo shoot. Because of this long wait, there are many persons who ultimately give up while others continue pushing forward until they become successful. If you are interested in fashion photography, you should bear the following tips in mind.

You first need to take time to learn the industry of fashion photography. This is the part of the process that causes a number of aspiring fashion photographers to fail. They are caught up with all the glitz and glamour of the industry that they forget the fundamentals of photography that help make a photo shoot perfect. That is to say that they focus more on looking good, than actually having a good shoot. There is no limit to learning; as such, you need to continually study your craft so that you will be able to excel at it.

You will also need the correct photography equipment in order to be a successful fashion photographer as well as backup equipment. The truth is that there is no way you can be an accomplished fashion photographer without being able to afford the equipment. Cameras are very expensive, and each year a new model is released. In order for you to take quality photographs you will need an excellent lighting system, along with that very good camera. Overall the expense can seam daunting at first, but a client isn't going to hire you without knowing you can produce consistent work. Your skills, your team, and your equipment are key. Don't go out an buy everything all at once however, you have some opportunity to grow into it while you waiting for that break and building those skills

In order to obtain jobs, you will need to have a portfolio that showcases your body of work. Therefore, you need to take the time to choose your best work. Your portfolio should be made up of your strongest 11 x 14 images; and though most clients prefer prints, there are others who will prefer to see your work online and therefore a simple and fast website is required.

Anthony is an professional photographer serving the Atlanta metro area and although his work may have him traveling all around the US or even father you can see his fashion, beauty and commercial work at:

(C) Copyright - Anthony J Scalzitti, All Rights Reserved.

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Learn Digital Photography Now


Friday, 3 June 2011

Choosing A Domain Name For Your Business Website

I completely deny the comments done by some of the web developers that all the great and effective domain names are already booked. Search engine optimization does not depend only on the domain names factor. For me, it was never an issue when choosing a domain name for my clients' business websites.

It is a fact, that all the 3 and 4 letters domains with popular extensions have been booked. Also, I completely agree that most of the relevant domains choices are no longer available; however the choosing of a domain name for your business website is certainly possible if you stay flexible.

The value of a website address is defined on how easy it is to spell and remember. There are two types of visitors that visits to your site, humans and search engines. For a human, it is necessary to choose a most simple and easy to remember name for your site, whereas the search engines robots don't care at all.

Using terms such as greatest and best are the keywords which has some disadvantages and / are penalized by search engines. Everyone knows that search engine algorithms changes often and likewise that theory, you may not be penalized for using such terms. However, if you notice the human visitors gets more attracted towards terms like cheap and free. My personal recommendation would be avoiding adjectives in the domain name for your small commercial business website.

Many times, some customers approaching to redesign their website surprises me that some of the basic factors are overlooked when choosing a site name. For example, a commercial website should never choose a dot ORG domain extension, just because the dot Com domain was unavailable. This was the case with the customer who wanted to redesign his existing website. A few factors should be seriously considered especially if its your first online website.

Here are the four mostly and widely used domain extensions and its purposes:

    COM - Should be used only by the commercial websites
    INFO - Should be used only by the information only related website
    NET - Should be used only by the companies offering internet services
    ORG - Should be used only by the non-profit organizations

Surely, there are many more extensions such as biz, us,, etc... which are really reasonable, however, my personal recommendations for a business website would be to get a dot Com site name. The customer commented that he didn't realize that dot ORG domain extensions were for a non-profit organizations, which results it poor search engine optimization performance. Hence, we found a relevant name available using their company initials with a target keyword. Despite my recommendation, they kept their website as it is and just changed the theme.

The domain you choose might not be important for search engine optimization, however the length of the registration may be significant. My suggestion would be to register a domain name for at least 2 years, and if you are economically strong you may also register it for 5 to 10 years depending on your choice. A fact that, search engines consider that the registration period reflects your commitment to be online for a long term, so many of the businesses register their domain names for more than 5 years.

You can get a dot Com name if you want, as well as register other available extensions for the same site address. Despite the fact that all the short domain names are already taken, you can still find a good site name by researching a little bit.

Mac Willson is a marketing professional, who loves to write about emerging technologies in Domain Web Hosting and Domain Name Registration industry.

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click here for more info about   Publick domain treasure      

Affiliate Marketing - Beginners Guide To Online Success Series

Most beginners starting on the internet would like to earn some money to achieve that millionaire lifestyle.

That all sounds very good and fine, but in reality only a few get to that millionaire status. Saying that, you can earn a very good income and have it all on autopilot but you still need to work.

There is no getting away from it you will have to work, and at the beginning, work very hard to get things in place. I'll explain in more detail as I go through this article.

First of all what is affiliate marketing? Basically you sell something from a company online to someone who wants to buy that something and YOU get a commission. That's easy isn't it?

Yes it is - but (there is always a but) you, as the Affiliate marketer, will have to drive people (known as traffic) to your something. (Something that you are selling from your affiliate marketing company.

How do I do this?' you say, well this is where the work comes in.

By the way, to become an affiliate is free -- costs you nothing - good start eh!

There are many ways to drive traffic to your affiliate program which I will mention in more detail in future articles.

Now to send traffic to your affiliate marketing program is OK, but once you have made the sale that's it. You have lost your contact. The person that you sent to the affiliate marketing program is now on their list, not yours! Remember, it's taken time to get this traffic so you don't want to give it away, you really want to keep that person's name and email so you have a chance to sell to them again in the future.

Because all you have done so far is given the information to the affiliate company and received your commission.

So what do you do now. Easy!

Keep the email address and name on a list before you pass them onto the affiliate company. How do we do this, well we set up a small one page website where we can capture this person's (the buyer's) information, then we can forward them to the affiliate marketing company we are representing.

So as you can see we now have their name and email, so we can introduce them to more products that we are representing as an affiliate. Get the picture so far?

Now that we are armed with this information we can set about making your one page website. I'll discuss this in my next article - see you again soon.

Hello My name is Peter Taynton.I hope you enjoy reading my articles visit my pfofile sometime get in contact always good to here from you
You can pick up a fantastic free ebook on how to build your first Website from

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Cpa Affiliate Marketing System   Affilaites make 70% commission on each and every sale with our Cpa Marketing System.

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The complete guide will lead you through every step to becoming a super affiliate and start making money

Thursday, 2 June 2011

What To Consider When You Buy An iPod Online

When you choose to buy an iPod online, you are doing yourself a big favor by skipping lines and being able to take your time and really buy the model you want. But you also need to be sure of what you want. There's a lot to choose from nowadays with iPods, so before you buy an iPod online, consider which will work best for you.

The smallest iPod is the Shuffle. It's changed a lot over the years and now is just a tiny, colorful square that you can clip anywhere. There is no screen, just the wheel to make your selection. Obviously since you lack a screen you may wonder what song just came on your iPod since you can't look at it. There's actually a cool option call VoiceOver in which the iPod tells you what the name of the song and artist are. It comes only in a 2GB size so it'll hold just a couple hundred songs. This is for the person who just wants an easy way to bring some music on the go but doesn't need their whole library. You'll want to use quality headphones in earbud style for the Shuffle to make it as sleek and comfortable as possible.

After the Shuffle comes the Nano. Think of it as the opposite of a Shuffle. It's just a a mini touch screen, no wheel. It comes in a variety of colors, from basic silver to bright pink or orange. There are two choices of size here, an 8GB or 16GB. Of course, size changes price. Both are still relatively small sizes but can carry a couple thousand songs so you can take a big chunk of your library with you.

The iPod Classic is the mother of all iPods. When you buy an iPod online and you know you want something to hold every album you've ever come across in your entire life, the classic is the way to go. With 160GB you can hold 40,000 songs, so you'll never be without a single mp3 including all the obscure ones you listen to once every 3 months.

The iPod Touch is for the technology hound. Not only can it store anywhere from 8, 32, or 64GB of music but you can take pictures and video, enjoy gaming and use FaceTime to talk to others. You've also got the internet and apps at your fingertips. It's practically an iPhone without the phone. If you gotta have it all, this is the model to go with if you buy an iPod online.

Looking to buy electronics online but don't want to spend a lot? Mordy's offers the best of the best in discount digital cameras. See for yourself today!

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Click To Get >>  Ipod Repair Guide

10 Android Apps for Small Business

I have to admit, I'd addicted to my cell phone. I depend on it for a number of business and personal things such as: making phone calls, accessing my email, writing emails, keeping track of appointments, using it as an alarm clock-and most importantly for playing "Angry Birds". (just kidding)

I've had my HTC Incredible Android Based OS Phone for about a year now, and I totally heart it. There's just so much that you can do with it and a ton of applications that can be downloaded from the Android market that can be used for business related tasks.

One of my personal favorite apps that I use on my phone to connect to the internet from my laptop PC is PDANet by June Fabrics. This neat little tool allows you to surf the Internet -via your android phone (No, I'm not kidding). Best of all, you only have to pay a one-time fee to use the program. Simply download the application to your Android phone and install it onto your pc, plug in your USB cable (one end from the phone the other to your PC) and're connected to the Internet. PDANet is perfect for the traveling business person-or whoever needs to have access to the internet when there is no connection available.

Since I'm such a nice person, I decided to spread the love by sharing 10 of the Best Android Apps that can be used for Business with you.

#10. Weatherbug - Stay up to date with the latest weather conditions locally or wherever you are planning to travel to for business

#9. WordPress - Keep your blog or Website updated with this nifty tool

#8. Expenser - Can be used to stay on top of your business expenses and budget

#7. Find My Car - Trouble finding your car after parking at a biz conference? This app will help you find your way

#6. Tweetdeck - Integrate all of your social networking media using this App; Post status updates and other information using a single dashboard

#5. Skype Mobile - Stay in touch with friends, business colleagues, employees and others with this mobile video and voice app

#4. Drop Box - Great app for editing, sharing or viewing business documents and other files anywhere and anytime you need them

#3. Google Maps Navigation - Have an appointment scheduled with a client and need directions? Google Maps to the rescue.... Google Maps Navigation is an internet-connected GPS navigation system with voice guidance, turn by turn directions and more. What's even more awesome about this application is that after you arrive at your destination it will be shown in Google Street View.

#2. Google Voice - Perfect App for business owners wanting to keep track of phone calls efficiently and with the use of one number..instead of multiple phones

#1. PDANet - I cannot begin to tell you how useful PDANet is...especially for a small business user on the go. The PdaNet Android Tethering app is Awesome! With this app you can take advantage of 3G or Wifi Internet connection speeds to power your PC.

Kimberly George is the owner and founder of Lab-Ratz Technical Solutions an IT Services company based in Richardson Texas. Lab-Ratz provides computer and network support to small offices and business with 5 pcs or more. Kim has worked in the field of IT for 10 plus years and has several industry certifications, including the CCNA and CCVP Certifications. She started Lab-Ratz Technical Solutions to help small business owners eliminate computer problems--quickly and affordably.

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Learn How To   Turn Your Digital Content into Apps for Android within an Hour!
Also Discover How to create and make money with iPhone and Android apps

Laptop Repair - Should You Use A Service Center?

In today's highly technological environment, which puts premium on accessibility and portability, the laptop computer is a very handy piece of equipment to have around. In fact, it would be safe to assume that most people in North America own a laptop. There are many reasons why a laptop computer is such a favorite tool among many people. Aside from the flexibility that it affords its users, it also enhances productivity because, should there be a need for it, one can check his or her files and work on them from almost virtually anywhere. In addition, a laptop computer basically enables a person to access the internet from nearly anywhere, which makes the flow of information quite fast and accessible. Due to these obvious benefits that laptop computers offer, it becomes imperative that your laptop is always in top shape. Otherwise, your productivity will be affected. For this reason, it would be to your advantage if you have a plan for laptop repair in the event that your laptop breaks down.

When your laptop computer breaks down, your default reaction most of the time is to go to a service center to have your laptop fixed. While the service center may be the traditional place for laptop repair, it is not always the best place under certain situations. Here are some of the reasons why the service centers are not advisable for laptop repair:

1. The repair of your laptop computer may not be prioritized. This is quite understandable because there are other clients that the service center is also catering to. If their units were brought to the center ahead of your laptop computer, naturally, theirs would have to be serviced first. Turnaround times at large or popular service centers could be anywhere from 1-2 weeks!

2. Service centers also tend to be among the most expensive places to have your computer fixed. With such a large overhead, the popular centers such as the big name computer stores have among the highest service charges for computer repair.

3. Poor quality of service. Due to the number of units that have to undergo laptop repair, the quality of service might be affected. Large centers deal with dozens and dozens of computers every week and can't afford to provide the same service quality as an independent technician.

Despite the above-mentioned disadvantages of using a service center for your laptop repair needs, do not be disheartened. There are other options that are available to you. In fact, if you search on Google, Yahoo, or Bing, you will discover that aside from these large service centers, there are other laptop repair providers that you can hire. Simply browse to the search engine of your choice and type in "laptop repair [your city]." You will see that there are plenty of other alternatives aside from large service centers. It is just a matter of being persistent enough in finding the perfect laptop repair service for you.

So, the next time that there are glitches in your laptop, you do not need to be worried. You can have your laptop fixed within a short period of time at a much lower cost than you would expect to pay at the big named stores.

Nick Fotache is the president of Computer Republic, a company specializing in laptop repair, computer repair, and data recovery services.

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 You can watch 

Ultimate Laptop Repair Videos Collection in Hd

Computers & Internet

My Computer Is Running Slow!

When a friend or family member announces, "My computer is running slow!", you can assure them there are methods they could easily perform to allay their worries. Most instances of a computer running slow are easily solvable, it only takes a bit of time and patience while you go and sort everything out. What follows are some general user guidelines which will help you on your way towards getting your computer back to the speeds it previously had.

Note that this article pertains to the Windows operating system in general. For more specific versions, it would be best to consult with sources which specialize in your computer's operating system. So let's find out what to do if you find yourself stating, "My computer is running slow."

Empty your Recycle Bin

When was the last time you emptied your Recycle Bin? It's an easy fix towards eliminating files which you no longer need. If you don't empty your Recycle Bin, you've got extra files your hard disk drive has to contend with. Before you delete all files, make sure you do not need them anymore. You do have a chance to restore any file, and should do so whenever you are in doubt.

Update antivirus and antispyware software applications

This will ensure your computer has the latest definitions to guard against any possible future infections. There could also be software patches which may streamline the efficiency of these programs, like using less memory to operate in the background.

Remove all unwanted or unneeded applications

Uninstall any applications which you no longer use. This is similar to eliminating clutter on your desk. The less stuff you have on your desk, the faster you can find things when you need them. Same thing goes for unsused applications on your PC.

Uninstall any trial software you've tried in the past. They are simply taking up space you may otherwise allocate to other more useful programs you may need in the future.

Run CCleaner    Click Here to Get Best Registry Cleaner Fix Windows Errors

CCleaner is a free program anyone may download from Piriform's website. After installing, all you need to do is run the software (set to its default settings) and it will perform such things as cleaning out your registry, eliminate your browser's temporary files, and getting rid of old cookies. One main benefit is CCleaner's capability to operate quickly, often taking only a few seconds to do its job.

Defragment Your Hard Drive

Defragmenting your PC's hard drive reduces the time it takes to find files you need throughout your computing sessions. It may take a few hours to do this, but the good thing is, you don't have to sit there and monitor what's going on. Once you start defragmenting, the time taken to finish will depend on how fragmented your drive is, or the amount of files it contains.

Upgrade Your RAM

Increasing RAM permits your computer to perform more tasks at once. And you'll decrease the chances of saying, "My computer is running slow." You'll be able to run additional programs in the background, should you require it, and your currently running applications will operate much more smoothly.

It is not necessary to yell out, "My computer is running slow!" With the guidelines previously pointed out, you'll easily have a computer operating at faster speeds in no time.

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Mobile App Testing Overview - iPhone and Android Testing

The fasting growing area within software testing is the mobile app domain. Applications developed for mobile platforms such as Apple's marketing leading iPhone and also the less popular Android platform are being tested using the same methodology that was used earlier for desktop and web based applications.

There are companies which spend tens of thousands of dollars for mobile app testing projects. This is not only due to the fact that the mobile domain is ever increasing and so companies are feeling the need to contribute, but also due to the sensitivity of data which is a critical factor in the success of any mobile app. People whose data gets stolen or robbed from mobile applications are very unlikely to give it another try, as the data can pertain to personal information with respect to the customer.

For iPhone and iPad applications, we find that the audience tends to be in the young 20s or early 30s. As iPhone applications are primarily related to multimedia, we expect that the graphics will be given a severe and thorough testing. The user in these kinds of applications is generally concerned with what he/she experiences on the screen, with respect to 'viewing pleasure'.

For android applications there is a certain level of 'maturity' or advancement which is also related to the category of audience which uses it. Android apps are commonly used by people who belong to the executive category, and so the applications tend to be more towards the business side of things. For example; business evaluation applications or CRM (customer relationship management), we find that even though they are available on almost all the platforms, they are most commonly used in the android applications. Also, since android apps have more stability to them (no disrespect to iPhone apps), the business people tend to be more comfortable using it. Also since android is open source it makes it that much easier and compatible to be employed for business purposes. Also, we find that the bulk of android applications, users will typically use them as they are easily transferred to other devices, its blue tooth compatibility is also a plus.

An interesting point to be noted, is that even though the platforms might be vastly different, for example the iPhone and Android platforms; the testing theory still remains the same. The overall picture is still the same, even though the domain has changed. The application flow has to be understood, the business requirements reviewed and the happy scenarios executed for the application, be it mobile domain or web domain or any other domain for that matter. There could be arguments that iPhone app testing is easier or iPad app testing is harder, or for that matter, Android app testing is easier but essentially they are different facets of the same domain. If we can understand and develop skills in web based testing it will also work in mobile apps testing. is a professional Mobile App Testing company providing highly cost-effective iPhone App and Android App Testing services to companies around the globe. All delivered on-time and with outstanding results.

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Click Here to know >>  How to Market IPhone Apps eBook